"Forlorn" is an adjective that describes a sense of loneliness, abandonment, or a feeling of being deserted. It often conveys a mood of sadness or desolation.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
The word "forlorn" is an adjective and doesn't have multiple morphemes.
In syntax, "forlorn" is used to modify nouns, indicating that the noun possesses qualities of being abandoned or deserted.
Pronounced as "for-LORN," with the emphasis on the second syllable.
Word Relationships:
Related terms include loneliness, desolation, abandoned, solitary, and dejected.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
Urdu Meaning:
تنہا، اکیلا، رنجیدہ
Example Sentence:
"وہ اپنے ہمسفر کی بے وفائی سے رنجیدہ ہوکر تنہاپن کا احساس کر رہا تھا."
(Translation: "He, betrayed by his companion, felt forlorn, experiencing a sense of loneliness.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Desolate (تنہا)
Forsaken (چھوڑا گیا)
Abandoned (ترک کردہ)
Melancholy (اداسی)
Dismal (افسردہ)
Solemn (سنگین)
Mournful (ماتمی)
Dejected (مایوس)
Lamentable (شادمان)
Disconsolate (مایوس)
Sorrowful (غمزاد)
Wretched (بدنصیب)
Cheerless (غیر خوشی بخش)
Gloomy (افسردہ)
Pitiable (قابل رحم)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Joyful (خوشی بخش)
Content (قانع)
Happy (خوش)
Pleased (مسرور)
Satisfied (مطمئن)
Delighted (مسرور)
Fulfilled (مکمل)
Contented (مطمئن)
Comfortable (آرام)
Pleasant (خوشگوار)
Blissful (خوشی سے بھرا ہوا)
Elated (خوشی سے بھرا ہوا)
Joyous (خوشی سے بھرا ہوا)
Satisfied (مطمئن)
Radiant (چمکتا ہوا)
1. Background or Prior Knowledge:
"Felicity" is a noun that refers to intense happiness or great joy. It often conveys a sense of well-being and contentment.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
The word "felicity" is a noun and doesn't have multiple morphemes.
In syntax, "felicity" is used as a noun, often as the subject or object of a sentence.
Pronounced as "fuh-LIS-i-tee," with the emphasis on the second syllable.
Word Relationships:
Related terms include happiness, bliss, joy, contentment, and delight.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
Urdu Meaning:
خوشی، خوشیوں بھرا حال
Example Sentence:
"ان کی شادمانی اور خوشی نے اس موقع کو یہ فیصلہ کرنے میں مدد دی، ان کی زندگی میں حقیقی خوشی کا لمحہ تھا."
(Translation: "Their joy and felicity aided them in making this decision; it was a moment of true happiness in their lives.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Bliss (سکون)
Elation (بہت خوش ہونا)
Ecstasy (بہت خوش ہونا)
Rapture (مستی)
Jubilation (خوشیاں)
Exuberance (بہت خوش ہونا)
Glee (خوشی)
Euphoria (خوشی کی حالت)
Radiance (چمک)
Upliftment (بہت خوش ہونا)
Serenity (پر سکون)
Rejoicing (خوش ہونا)
Beatification (سکون)
Tranquility (پر سکونی)
Exhilaration (تروتازہ محسوس ہونا)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Grief (غم)
Melancholy (اداسی)
Sorrow (غم)
Despair (مایوسی)
Anguish (روح کھنچنا)
Dismay (شکست ہونا)
Mournfulness (غمزاد)
Dejection (ناامیدی)
Discontent (ناخوشی)
Depression (اداسی)
Woefulness (غمزاد)
Desolation (آوارگی)
Dolor (غم)
Heartache (دکھ)
Unhappiness (ناخوشی)
1. Background or Prior Knowledge:
"Fidgets" is a plural noun that refers to small, quick, and often restless movements or actions, especially those made when a person is nervous, agitated, or restless.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
The word "fidgets" is a plural noun, and its singular form is "fidget."
In syntax, "fidgets" is used as a noun, typically in the plural form, to describe a set of restless movements.
Pronounced as "FIJ-its," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
Word Relationships:
Related terms include restlessness, nervousness, squirming, and agitation.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
Urdu Meaning:
بے چین ہونا، بے قرار ہونا
Example Sentence:
"جلدی جلدی ہنسنا اور بچوں کے چہروں پر مسکراہٹ بڑھانا ایک خوبصورت اور مسکراہٹ بھرا طریقہ ہوتا ہے، لیکن کبھی کبھی یہ بچوں کو بے چین ہونے کی بھی علامت ہوتا ہے جب وہ fidgets کرتے ہیں."
(Translation: "Laughing quickly and increasing smiles on children's faces is a beautiful and joyful way, but sometimes it can also be a sign of restlessness when they fidget.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Restlessness (بے چینی)
Agitation (بے قراری)
Jitters (گھبراہٹ)
Squirming (ٹیڑھی چلنا)
Unease (بے چینی)
Anxiety (فکر مندی)
Disquiet (پریشانی)
Twitching (چٹخنے)
Jiggling (ہلکا ہلکا ہلنا)
Fussiness (زید سرکاوٹ)
Unsettledness (بے قراری)
Restiveness (بے چینی)
Nervousness (ہچکچاہٹ)
Fretfulness (بے چینی)
Impatience (برداشت نہ کرنا)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
Calmness (سکون)
Tranquility (پر سکونی)
Serene (پر سکون)
Composure (قرار)
Relaxation (آرام)
Stillness (سکون)
Serenity (پر سکونی)
Pacification (پر سکونی)
Stability (استقرار)
Poise (قرار)
Steadiness (استقرار)
Tranquilness (پر سکونی)
Placidity (سکون)
Contentment (قنوت)
Ease (آسانی)
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