Learn MDCAT Vocabulary with Nearpeer - Day 16
Written By Saeeda Maryam Jan 16, 2024
1. Background or Prior Knowledge:
- Background:
- "Fervent" is an adjective that describes intense passion, enthusiasm, or earnestness in expressing feelings, beliefs, or desires. It often conveys a strong and sincere commitment.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
- Morphology:
- The word "fervent" is an adjective and doesn't have multiple morphemes.
- Syntax:
- In syntax, "fervent" is used to modify nouns, indicating that the noun possesses qualities of intense passion or enthusiasm.
- Phonics:
- Pronounced as "FUR-vuhnt," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
- Word Relationships:
- Related terms include passionate, ardent, zealous, dedicated, and wholehearted.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
- Urdu Meaning:
- جذباتی، پر جذبہ، پر شوق
- Example Sentence:
- "اس شاعر کا fervent احساس اور شوق اپنے کلام میں نمایاں ہوتا ہے، اس نے اپنے شاعری کے ذریعے دلوں کو چھوا."
- (Translation: "The poet's fervent emotion and passion are evident in his verses; he touched hearts through his poetry.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Ardent (جذباتی)
- Zealous (پر جذبہ)
- Enthusiastic (پرجوش)
- Passionate (جذباتی)
- Dedicated (مخلص)
- Eager (بیقرار)
- Intense (شدید)
- Fervid (جذباتی)
- Wholehearted (خالص)
- Fiery (آتشی)
- Vehement (جذباتی)
- Devoted (نذر کردہ)
- Ebullient (پرجوش)
- Earnest (سخت)
- Spiritful (روحانی)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Apathetic (بے حس)
- Indifferent (بے تاثر)
- Dispassionate (بے جذبہ)
- Unenthusiastic (غیر جذباتی)
- Cold (سرد)
- Reserved (خود خلق)
- Impassive (بے حس)
- Cool (ٹھنڈا)
- Unemotional (بے جذبہ)
- Detached (منزلیق)
- Aloof (الگ)
- Unexcited (بے حماسہ)
- Passionless (بے جذبہ)
- Stoic (استوائی)
- Unimpassioned (بے جذبہ)
1. Background or Prior Knowledge:
- Background:
- "Frantic" is an adjective used to describe a state of extreme excitement, agitation, or panic. It often conveys a sense of being wild, chaotic, or out of control due to intense emotions.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
- Morphology:
- The word "frantic" is an adjective and doesn't have multiple morphemes.
- Syntax:
- In syntax, "frantic" is used to modify nouns, indicating a high level of excitement or panic associated with the noun.
- Phonics:
- Pronounced as "FRAN-tik," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
- Word Relationships:
- Related terms include frenzied, wild, agitated, chaotic, and panicked.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
- Urdu Meaning:
- بے چین، پریشان، ہنگامہ زدہ
- Example Sentence:
- "جب خبر آئی کہ بچے گم ہو گئے ہیں، والدین frantic ہوگئے اور پورے علاقے میں تلاش کا عہد کیا."
- (Translation: "When the news came that the children were lost, the parents became frantic, making a commitment to search the entire area.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Frenzied (پریشان)
- Wild (جنونی)
- Agitated (پریشان)
- Chaotic (آشوب آرائی)
- Panicked (ہول سے بھرا ہوا)
- Hysterical (ہسٹیریا سے متعلق)
- Turmoil (فراچی)
- Distraught (پریشان)
- Disordered (آشوب آرائی)
- Tumultuous (ہنگامہ زدہ)
- Uproarious (ہلچل بھرا)
- Riotous (آشوب آرائی)
- Mad (پاگل)
- Manic (پاگلوں کی بیماری)
- Agonized (پریشان)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Calm (سکون)
- Tranquil (پر سکون)
- Serene (پر سکون)
- Composed (پر سکون)
- Placid (پر سکون)
- Steady (مستقر)
- Unperturbed (بے فکر)
- Collected (محتشم)
- Relaxed (آرام)
- Sedate (پر سکون)
- Untroubled (پر سکون)
- Cooled (ٹھنڈا ہوا)
- Unruffled (پر سکون)
- Sober (صاحبانہ)
- Assured (پر اطمینان)
1. Background or Prior Knowledge:
- Background:
- "Gilded" is an adjective that refers to something covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint. It is often used metaphorically to describe something that appears luxurious or wealthy but may not be as valuable as it seems.
2. Morphology, Syntax, Phonics, Knowledge of Word Relationships:
- Morphology:
- The word "gilded" is an adjective and is the past participle of the verb "gild."
- Syntax:
- In syntax, "gilded" is used to modify nouns, indicating a quality of being covered with a thin layer of gold or having an appearance of wealth.
- Phonics:
- Pronounced as "GIL-did," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
- Word Relationships:
- Related terms include gold-plated, adorned with gold, embellished, and ornate.
3. Explain Word with Urdu Meaning and Example Sentence:
- Urdu Meaning:
- سونے سے چمکیلا، زر سے آراستہ
- Example Sentence:
- "شہزادہ کی تاج میں gilded مواصلات ہونے کی وجہ سے لوگوں نے اسے ایک عظیم اور امیر شہزادہ کی پہچان میں رکھا."
- (Translation: "Due to the gilded embellishments on the prince's crown, people recognized it as a symbol of grandeur and wealth.")
4. 15 Difficult Synonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Golden (سونے کا)
- Gleaming (چمکیلا)
- Opulent (شاندار)
- Sumptuous (فخر سے بھرا ہوا)
- Elegant (خوش اسلوب)
- Splendid (شاندار)
- Lavish (فراوان)
- Adorned (سجا ہوا)
- Ornate (آراستہ)
- Luxurious (فخر سے بھرا ہوا)
- Exquisite (عمدہ)
- Resplendent (چمکیلا)
- Grandiose (مہتمم)
- Sumptuary (فخر سے بھرا ہوا)
- Prestigious (معتبر)
5. 15 Difficult Antonyms with Urdu Meanings:
- Plain (سادہ)
- Simple (آسان)
- Unadorned (بے زینت)
- Modest (معمولی)
- Unembellished (بے زینت)
- Humble (عاجز)
- Austere (سادہ)
- Basic (بنیادی)
- Unostentatious (بے نمائش)
- Understated (خفیہ)
- Plain-spoken (صاف بات چیت)
- Subdued (کم رنگ)
- Unpretentious (پر مسخرہ نہ ہونے والا)
- Unimposing (ناپسندیدہ)
- Frugal (معمولی)
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