This course includes
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Basic Program-Compilation and Execution
Lecture 3 DataTypes and Variables
Lecture 3.5 Arithmetic
Lecture 4 Loops
Lecture 4.2 While loops
Lecture 4.5 Scope
Lecture 5 Decision Making-if conditions etc
Lecture 6 Arrays
Lecture 6.5 Vectors
Lecture 7 user input
Lecture 8 -Functions
Lecture 8.5-More on functions
Lecture 8.75-Understanding Function Calls and the Stack
Lecture 9 - Basic Recursion
Lecture 9.5 - How Recursion Works
Assignment 1 Q1 Start Simple
Assignment1 Q2 The Wise Guy
Assignment 1 Q3 Accountant
Assignment1 Q4 The Wrong Way
Assignment 1 Q5 Examiner
10. Intro to OOP
11. Class Member Functions
12. Class Constructor
13. Access Modifiers
14. Operator Overloading
15. Inheritance
Assignment 2 Q1 Printer
Assignment 2 Q2 Needle in a haystack
Assignment 2 Q3 Minimum Index
Assignment 2 Q4 Sorting
Assignment 2 Q5 Recursive Power Function
2-Dereferencing a Pointer
3-Pointers to Objects
4-Passing Values by reference
5-A deeper look into C++ Arrays
6-Pointer Arithmetic
7-Allocating Variables on heap
8-LinkedLists intro-1
9-LinkedList Intro-2
10-Traversing,Inserting into and Printing a linked List
11-Exception Handling
12-File IO Reading from File
13-File IO Writing to a file
This course is a basic introduction to programming. Using the C++ language we start by writing the most basic programs and gradually acquire the skills to tackle relatively complex algorithmic problems. Each lecture has examples to help you understand the content and the add-on assignments package provides handy assignments along with recorded solutions (not code handouts) to help you truly grasp the programming mindset.
What you'll learn
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